Maius Central - A website for geeky stuff, MSX and fluffs, brought to you directly from Sants, by El Pitiflí.
Here We Come Again - Hi! I am “El Pitiflí”, scientist by day, attempt-of-cartoonist by night. I put on my blog [Sense Tomàquet] drawings and random comics, and when the wind blows I publish my webcomic [JRS] in english, spanish and catalan. Also, I code stuff on my MSX, and I'm (slowly) creating an half-RPG/Visual Novel, all bottom-up from scratch. You can find my stuff also in Tumblr and Twitter, although I keep all my stuff safe away from the social networks and the enshittification from the current Internet.
Drawings | |
Johnny, Roy & Steffy | Fluff webcomic started in 2008 about life at the Faculty of Informatics in Barcelona. In spanish, english and catalan. Currently on hiatus. |
Sense Tomàquet! | Sketch blog with drawings and furry fluff-smutt, with many other different arts stuff and wonders. Some of the stuff includes:
Retrocomputing | |
Game Development | Effective Adventure: MSX adventure game I've been coding in C also ASM. I've been creating the arts and the engine, to be completed some day... |
MSX Development | Floppy Disks & Hardware: Stuff about repairing and crafting replacement parts and cables for the MSX (Phillips VG8230). |
Other Stuff | |
The College Band | The ANSI SPARK eXperience: The ANSI/SPARC Experience was a college band at the Faculty of Informatics of Barcelona, by the late 2000's. (Yep! I'm that kid that created a band in college.) |
A MSX Philips VG8230 is always a good thing to show in a hand-coded website.