
  • Bunnynism for Workgroups

    Bunnynism for Workgroups – [Rescued from Tumblr] Another issue of JRS in its English version, just before Christmas!

    This last month I had a huge amount of work at the lab, closing all the experiments before winter holidays, so I couldn’t draw everything I wanted to. I hope I can advance some stuff during these days (while preparing the lessons for next semester, also designing experiments for an incoming conference, … Uf!). So meanwhile, Happy holidays everybody!

  • Hello world (again)!

    Hello readers! Welcome to the English version of “JRS Comics”!

    I initially started translating the webcomic from issue 301, and posted it in Tumblr (jrscomics.tumblr.com). But given the disaster on that platform, I deceided to set up this blog as new “Home Blog” for the english version of the comic, mirroring the Tumblr account. In case anything happened to Tumblr, the comic will still be published here, as now this will be the natural home for JRS.

    Also, I’m using Twitter (@sensetomaquet) also as an immediate communication medium, to complement this blog.

    In case that you prefer the Spanish versions, check it out here: https://www.maiuscentral.com/jrs, also if you want to read the issues 1 to 300 (in original version).

    Thank you all, and enjoy the show,

    El Pitiflí