The Query (Part 1)

The Query (Part 1) – In 2008 an SQL query was created in Revistes Campus Nord, being it the best in all history. It was immediately declared as “The Best in the West”, granted a seat in the Royal Academy of Spain, also given the Saint George Cross, the medal of Best Car of 2009 and the prize of best sparkly water Barcelona 1898. That Query only had a function, short and clear, as needful an valuable. That function was, as you already deduced, getting panties wet. History will remember that Query, along other important events on that year, being those the “SisTel Rap”, the Pikachu plushy that got Manguerito angry, and the sandwich that somebody forgot in the fridge on that hot summer.

Weird Anime

Weird Anime – Good morning! Update on time, on Monday morning. Is everyone OK, at home or around? Here we’re still locked, working remotely, all day in front of a screen and with the headset on.

Today’s guest subject is “MAC (Abstract Calculus Models)”, basically Computing Theory. By the way, these last strips are dedicated to the day that Ziritrión showed me, in similar circumstances, an anime called “Dokuro-chan”.

CopyTrap (Part 4)

CopyTrap (Part 4) – Hello and welcome! This is a Wednesday Midnight update… that should have happened on Monday…

The CopyCenter in our Campus was managed by a curious guy, that mastered a lot of printing machines in a basement under the Campus, and barely left that place. Not like in the Comic (that it’s fiction and dramatization), he never did anything wrong to his employed girls, but just had preference to hire girls with big butts.

For many years, the CopyCenter sold the notebooks of every subject, until that day that they were on-line, and as people started having laptops nobody printed them again. If you went there the first day of the semester, you just gave them the list of your subjects, and they returned you the corresponding pile of notes and dossiers. But they stopped printing that much, and with the economic crisis, the rent went up and they had to shut down 🙁