Predators (Part 2)

Predators (Part 2) – Hello again! We’re back with Steffy and Chilla. In the labs I’ve seen repeatedly the case of a girl entering the classroom, the boys turn to her to see with whom she’ll join as lab partner, and the girl looks with worry for other girls to join them.

I’m still with my plan to join the two JRS blogs at (spanish and english) into one, so with a click you can change language in the same website. Before that, I have to find time to carry this process on safely.

Predators (Part 1)

Predators (Part 1) – Hello hello! I’m back again. These last weeks I have been too busy to draw anything. But today I’m back here. Also I have 1 strip in buffer!!!

As it’s been long time since I’m doing these strips in English (additionally to the original version in Spanish:, I’ve been maintaining two WordPress blogs (aside of this Tumblr) one per language. In the next weeks I’ll be playing with WordPress to allow me publishing in multi-language, knowing that ComicEasel does not support multi-language for “comic” type. Soon or later I’ll will fuse the two blogs into one with language select! I’ll be delicate, as I keep records from 11 years of strips, and I want to keep every publication and comment.

Reminder: I have a Twitter, where I’m a liiiiiittle more social than here (just a little), also because this place is becoming emptier day by day 🙁

Bravas Tomàs

Bravas Tomàs – Hi again! I’m back, with new issues of JRS. Last week I was too busy to finish this one on time.

This issue happens at Bar Tomàs, in the old district of Sarrià. They say they make the best Patatas Bravas of Barcelona, and that’s the place where the king of Spain (the old “casual”, not the new “granny-killer”) went frequently. Actully, ithe place is a tourist trap, and those Bravas are not that good.

The Linden Pub (Part 4)

The Linden Pub (Part 4) – Hop! Here we are again! This time with the story of the “bitchwatching”, where we escaped from Campus to have some “bravas” at Bar Tomás (in Sarrià, uptown Barcelona), and later we spent some time in front of a “famous” brothel from there, to make uncomfortable its clients, while we ate “churros con chocolate” from a nearby “churrería”. I just added the “points” thing to insert some kind of “Bamboozled!” game.