A JRS Comic – 400th issue of JRS! Also, this Friday June the 1st is officially the Tenth Anniversary of “Johnny, Roy and Steffy”. Actually, Ziritrion drew the three post_tag before, and I drew the first strips months before in my personal blog, but the JRS webcomic blog started on June the 1st of 2008.
I have in my To-Do list to put all the comics in a single volume, even digital, for whoever wants to have them all together. I’ll tell you about this soon! Also, Karibul, Fubu, m0d, people from l’Oasi, also Ziritrion (if he doesn’t forget about this) told me that, possibly, they send me something for this anniversary. I’m putting this together, also. And if somebody else wants so send something, you’re welcome to do that!
Now, I’ll be a couple of weeks preparing new story arcs, and update the “character sheets”.
Thanks to everyone who read me during this decade, at any time, and from any place of the world! Let’s keep going 10 more years!
J.L.B., El Pitiflí
P.D.: I hope that, at some point, I will learn to draw