Casal’s Night (Part 1)

Casal’s Night (Part 1) – ¡Late Update! (I wanted to post on Monday, but it was impossible…)

[From “casalpedia” Greskero: n.m. (”greskera” n.f.) Kind of a being, sometines similar to a person, commonly found in the association “TelecoGresca”, in charge of the spring festival at Telecommunications, and pull the trees of the Campus when drunk.

Squirrel Help (Part 2)

Squirrel Help (Part 2) – Yet another JRS issue! How are your winter celebrations? Did you had the typical (kinda-of-annoying) family dinner?

These days I’m having holidays, but I have to set-up the material for a subject on data mining, so I’m half-busy. Even though, I expect to have free time to draw extra things than JRS that I have in mind.

Squirrel Help (Part 1)

Squirrel Help (Part 1) – Yeah! Here we come again!

Near the campus we have two parks, the “Cervantes Park” and the “Royal palace park”. Both are open to the public until late, and the second is the official HQ of the “Union for the Mediterranean”. Also there are jazz concerts at night. All surrounded by lots of police vans.

Girl’s Pub (Part 2)

Girl’s Pub (Part 2) – Some drama today… Sorry!

Back once, as students, when returning home at evening, we crossed with all the teenagers going to the pubs and discotheques. And among all the people in the street, the teenagers always asked us about the pubs: the “liquid”, the “Elephant” (the one with the gals only night thing), and more. Maybe we looked as the ones knowing what was going on there… (?)