Rabbits Only (Part 2) – And again, another issue of JRS comics! This time I hurt (again) my hand, trying to lift my motorcycle into the walk-side, to not let it in a no-park zone… and a hundred kilograms are quite a heavy load… and I don’t have the same resilience like ten years ago. So I’m drawing slower… 🙁
Category: The Next Series
Rabbits only (Part 1)
Rabbits Only (Part 1) – And now, let’s give some time to another issue of JRS comics! Steffy’s birthday family dinner can’t go on without the classical family argument.
Gift Interruption
Gift Interruption – So, another update of JRS comics!
Versalles I
Versalles I – There’s a pub, in the restaurant’s street in front of Campus, called “Versalles I”. Here, all the peculiar people from the neighborhood, the four soldiers from the spanish army near Campus, and the student troubadours from the 90′s.
During the student years, the people from Revistes Campus Nord went to that pub to collect fries with ketchup and mayonnaise by tons, then resist all night at Campus. Then we lost part of our remaining health.
The Burrow
The Burrow – Ha ha! Another strip! And this is four-toned!!! I added a second shade of gray, just for science!
The Instructions
The Instructions – And another JRS update, where Gem and Roy attempt to prepare Johnny’s night with Steffy.
Silly Sexy Puppy
Silly Sexy Puppy – Yep! Another update of JRS! It had to be done for last week, but lots of “science work” came suddenly, and the ultimate AI will not build itself alone (at this time)… so I was busy amending an interesting-but-improvable rejected paper, enough to get some time to “ink” this strip.
Best Size Samples
Best Size Samples – Aaaaaand another update of JRS! A long-size strip to celebrate the Three-thirty-three issue! I’m pondering whether to keep the puppy-girl clerk as a canonical character. In this case she’ll need a name.
How to Kink your Bunny
How to Kink your Bunny – Another update of JRS! This time featured by “The Samoan” as Dr. Amorós (Dr. Loving), a character from a podcast we used to do in the Campus Radio.
Draconian Present
A “Draconian” Present – Here again with another strip of JRS, while vacations end in a few days.