Calf Cramp – Another JRS strip in short format! This time “Roy used the Fake Calf Cramp Trick. It’s super-effective!”. Roy escaped successfully.
Category: The Next Series
Hard Times
Hard Times – Aaaaand another JRS strip in short format! This is kinda based on real events…
Forbidden Fluffies
Forbidden Fluffies – How’s spring going, aside of allergies and rainy days?! Here I’m doing science while drawing another JRS strip in short format!
The ‘Bunny Gym’ Plot
The ‘Bunny Gym’ Plot – Quick update! Here’s a new page for JRS! This time the story will be published in shorter deliveries, to make it quicker! Also, I‘m returning to the essence of 4 panels.
Regina Fanfic Firefox
Regina Fanfic Firefox – How is it going? Here’s a new page for JRS! It had to be released last week, but I got lost in Ireland and couldn’t finish its details. This is a new story arc with Roy as a protagonist.
Bunny Closure
Bunny Closure – Another update of JRS! This one closes the current story arc, and starts the next one, centered in Roy Firefox. Bad jokes belong to old comics from L’Oasi Magazine by Oscar Torres’94, talking about women in our Faculty (back in the 90′s there was also a lack of them).
Actually a Good Bunny
Actually a Good Bunny – Time for an update of JRS! It’s been a hard month, with lots of work to do in science, leaving so much little time to draw. I’m saving some money to buy a screen/tablet (a “cintiq-like” device), to see if I can speed up the creation process.
Inevitable Mercy
Inevitable Mercy – Time for an update of JRS! That’s been a 3-day weekend in Barcelona, and I got time to draw something.
Keep Bunnying
Keep Bunnying! – Dang it! I wanted to update two weeks ago, but suddenly “Undertale” and its lore, artwork, fan-art, music and own TV-tropes page appeared, and got me trapped until today!
So, here’s an update of JRS Comic!
Bunnynism for Workgroups
Bunnynism for Workgroups – [Rescued from Tumblr] Another issue of JRS in its English version, just before Christmas!
This last month I had a huge amount of work at the lab, closing all the experiments before winter holidays, so I couldn’t draw everything I wanted to. I hope I can advance some stuff during these days (while preparing the lessons for next semester, also designing experiments for an incoming conference, … Uf!). So meanwhile, Happy holidays everybody!