Actually a Good Bunny – Time for an update of JRS! It’s been a hard month, with lots of work to do in science, leaving so much little time to draw. I’m saving some money to buy a screen/tablet (a “cintiq-like” device), to see if I can speed up the creation process.
Category: JRS Comic
Inevitable Mercy
Inevitable Mercy – Time for an update of JRS! That’s been a 3-day weekend in Barcelona, and I got time to draw something.
Keep Bunnying
Keep Bunnying! – Dang it! I wanted to update two weeks ago, but suddenly “Undertale” and its lore, artwork, fan-art, music and own TV-tropes page appeared, and got me trapped until today!
So, here’s an update of JRS Comic!
Bunnynism for Workgroups
Bunnynism for Workgroups – [Rescued from Tumblr] Another issue of JRS in its English version, just before Christmas!
This last month I had a huge amount of work at the lab, closing all the experiments before winter holidays, so I couldn’t draw everything I wanted to. I hope I can advance some stuff during these days (while preparing the lessons for next semester, also designing experiments for an incoming conference, … Uf!). So meanwhile, Happy holidays everybody!
Valuable Bunny
Valuable Bunny – [Rescued from Tumblr] Another issue of JRS in its English version!
Finally arrived the day when half of my Computer Sciences students (specifically those who submitted their assignments) are women! I discard all those who didn’t, because they are dead to me! …Actually not, just dramatizing. It goes well for my quick analysis, where we achieved gender parity in CS!
I just wanted to share that fact with you. That’s all! 😉
Bunnies Wanna Have Shelter
Bunnies Wanna Have Shelter – [Rescued from Tumblr] Here’s a new page for JRS in its English version!
Here in Catalonia we don’t have “Halloween”, but we have also pagan traditions, like the “Chestnut Party” (yes, that’s a real celebration). On the 31st of October we eat chestnuts, sweet potatoes, and sweets made of almond, sugar and potato we like to call “panellets”. This page has been made while eating all of that.
Try Harder Next Time
Try Harder Next Time – [Rescued from Tumblr] Another update of JRS! I don’t know what else to say… just the update! Ha ha ha ha… (I suppose)!
Award Ceremony
Award Ceremony – [Rescued from Tumblr] Back again from vacation, and here with the last translated comic from JRS. Officially, the name of the Rat Girl will be Linda Ratowsky (Some day I will tell you the adventures of the Rat Girl from the FIB).
This comic goes to that man on Barcelona in charge to announce the world about “The Simpsons: Marge vs. the Monorail” being aired on TV.
Extra Credits
Extra Credits – [Rescued from Tumblr]
I’m leaving on vacation with the last translated comic from JRS. This time is about the “extra curricular credits”, a 1/10 of the Informatics major that could be completed by joining all the associations and clubs in existence at UPC (a few of us did it, and it was worth it).
The Amazing Miss Bunny
The Amazing Miss Bunny – [Rescued from Tumblr]
Aaaaand yet another page of JRS web-comic translated to English! Next weeks I hope I can upload more things apart of the translated web-comic. (I have several comics to be drawn, and I need some extra time each week!)