CopyTrap (Part 4)

CopyTrap (Part 4) – Hello and welcome! This is a Wednesday Midnight update… that should have happened on Monday…

The CopyCenter in our Campus was managed by a curious guy, that mastered a lot of printing machines in a basement under the Campus, and barely left that place. Not like in the Comic (that it’s fiction and dramatization), he never did anything wrong to his employed girls, but just had preference to hire girls with big butts.

For many years, the CopyCenter sold the notebooks of every subject, until that day that they were on-line, and as people started having laptops nobody printed them again. If you went there the first day of the semester, you just gave them the list of your subjects, and they returned you the corresponding pile of notes and dossiers. But they stopped printing that much, and with the economic crisis, the rent went up and they had to shut down 🙁

The Cluster (Part 2)

The Cluster (Part 2) – Hello! I’m back at home in Barcelona, and here I bring the last JSR issue, prepared before packing my stuff.

Casal Stories: The famous “Cheetos-Eater” got 10 machines (this is four times 2.5 machines, and this is terrible) from the Student Council, to build a cluster for his association (in which he was the only member). It was suspected he hid pornography, but not in the same levels of sophistication than the Linux-UPC association. He brought the electric grid down every time he started the cluster.

Bunny Closure

Bunny Closure – Another update of JRS! This one closes the current story arc, and starts the next one, centered in Roy Firefox. Bad jokes belong to old comics from L’Oasi Magazine by Oscar Torres’94, talking about women in our Faculty (back in the 90′s there was also a lack of them).