Call for Gibbs – Hi everybody! How’s been the weekend? Everything OK?!
This strip was going to be the first of the “Bring him to the FIB” arc, where wacky post_tag will appear during the FestaFIB preparations.
A computable Story from the FIB
Call for Gibbs – Hi everybody! How’s been the weekend? Everything OK?!
This strip was going to be the first of the “Bring him to the FIB” arc, where wacky post_tag will appear during the FestaFIB preparations.
Rebuilding FestaFIB (Part 1) – Yesterday was festivity in Barcelona, so I couldn’t have time for finishing this one (so I did it today).
The FestaFIB (our Spring Festival) is prepared by the committee, and all the associations join (even the ones from “Jedi”, who were underlings of level -7).
Lesbian Superpowers – It is well known at the Faculty that Lesbians (and not-straight girls) have cognitive powers above the usual, and are able to tell if you have an expired yogurt in your fridge, if you had to make a new hole in your belt recently, or if tonight somebody approached your nether parts.
I’m getting the next saga ready, where all happens around the “FestaFIB”.
Have a good week, and see you the next one!
Casal’s Night (Part 2) – Monday update In-Extremis, 3 hour before Tuesday (CET)!
Panda Confusion – This strip was inked using a Microsoft Surface. It is quite handy for sketching, but when drawing the definitive line-art, the Ugee (~cintiq) has better sensitivity, and does not produce so much aliasing as the Surface.
This issue has “Koopa, The Radioactive Turtle” as invited guest.
Casal’s Night (Part 1) – ¡Late Update! (I wanted to post on Monday, but it was impossible…)
[From “casalpedia” Greskero: n.m. (”greskera” n.f.) Kind of a being, sometines similar to a person, commonly found in the association “TelecoGresca”, in charge of the spring festival at Telecommunications, and pull the trees of the Campus when drunk.
The Pony Girl – Ha! I could update before Monday is over, thirty minutes before the end of the day (Central European Time).
P.D.: I need a name for that “Pony” girl.
Regina Cosplay – Yeah! How’s this new year going?! I’m still on “vacation”, but actually preparing the classes for the next semester (also writing assignments and exams, to have everything ready).
So, here’s another issue of JRS!
Squirrel Help (Part 1) – Yeah! Here we come again!
Near the campus we have two parks, the “Cervantes Park” and the “Royal palace park”. Both are open to the public until late, and the second is the official HQ of the “Union for the Mediterranean”. Also there are jazz concerts at night. All surrounded by lots of police vans.
Girl’s Pub (Part 2) – Some drama today… Sorry!
Back once, as students, when returning home at evening, we crossed with all the teenagers going to the pubs and discotheques. And among all the people in the street, the teenagers always asked us about the pubs: the “liquid”, the “Elephant” (the one with the gals only night thing), and more. Maybe we looked as the ones knowing what was going on there… (?)