Still Regina Firefox

Still Regina Firefox – Hi everyone! Thereā€™s another JRS issue here!.

Last Friday we celebrated the FestaFIB (I think I talked about this previously. Itā€™s the Spring Festival at the faculty). Some alumni and former participants met there, most of them married, to be married in no time, or about to give birth. Also the persons who served as inspiration for some post_tag like ā€œGem ā€˜Bunsā€™ Rabbitā€ or ā€œNami ā€˜Mamaā€™ Bearā€ showed up. Plus Fubu, Karibul, Koopa (the radioactive turtle), and other post_tag appearing (or to appear in the near future) from ā€œl’Oasiā€, the faculty magazine. We did a BBQ.

Casalā€™s Night (Part 1)

Casalā€™s Night (Part 1) – Ā”Late Update! (I wanted to post on Monday, but it was impossibleā€¦)

[From ā€œcasalpediaā€ Greskero: n.m. (ā€greskeraā€ n.f.) Kind of a being, sometines similar to a person, commonly found in the association ā€œTelecoGrescaā€, in charge of the spring festival at Telecommunications, and pull the trees of the Campus when drunk.