The Fanfic Duo (Part 1) – Secret update of late Monday! How are you doing? Could you celebrate the Castanyada/Todos los Santos/Día de los Muertos/Halloween? I did some “panellets“ at home.
One Git
One GIT – Hi! Weekly update on time. everything OK?
Long time ago, William H. Sola uploaded to the servers from Revistes C.N. all the solved assignments of the Telecom major. Since then, and until the change of study plans, the students copied those assignments because the teachers didn’t change the exercises. Some students even left the name of Will in the exercises. Those assignments were one of the many things hosted in the server farm we built in the R.C.N. office.
Little Endian
Little Endian – Hi again! Another JRS update here!
This is something silly I had in mind since long ago, and I never found anyone who didn’t see it not silly.
Conspiracies (Part 2)
Conspiracies (Part 2) – Hop! Emergency update at Monday late that’s almost Tuesday! More things that happen in an Operating System’s lab!
Also, I checked lab A5S101… and they covered the “ceiling door” with a panel! I’ll have to ask my friend Will (a guy who had a section called “conspiracies from UPC” [what a coincidence…]) if he still has the photo.
Conspiracies (Part 1)
Conspiracies (Part 1) – Hi again! Today is the biggest festivities of Barcelona. (yay!)
Bill, from the IEEE student branch, enters in scene. For those who ever come to our Campus, the room with a door on the ceiling is A5S101, two labs from the Operating Systems lab (group 21).
An RPG Game – Part 2
An RPG Game (Part 2) – Hi again, and happy Catalan National Day! Let’s continue with another real story from Casal and Revistes Campus Nord.
An RPG Game – Part 1
An RPG Game (Part 1) – Hello everybody! This story, as the previous one and the following ones, is based on real events. The stories of the underground people (basements 1 and 2, Illusionism, Anime, RPG, Aerospace clubs, etc…) can easily match the ones of the upper floors associations.
Grumpy Johnny
Grumpy Johnny – I’m back from vacations, with a new issue!
Being on the Student Casal during the studies helps people to discover how weird is people, and get used to different types and magnitudes of personal issues from others
Tapping Natius
Tapping Natius – Here we are again, still on vacation, and updating the series. Everything OK there? Let’s keep going!
Tapping Gibbs
Tapping Gibbs – Hop! How’re you doing? On vacation or something? Here we are, suffering an unusual heat wave.