
Designing l’Oasi

Designing l’Oasi – Hi again! Everything OK at home?!

A classic from l’Oasi, that design time where articles are put, images are places, and pages are composed; everything without any hint from the “old ones” on how to use Aldus Pagemaker Adobe Pagemaker Indesign.

Another classic is to debate whether or not publishing the magazine digital, or keep it being printed. Each new generation discusses the same, and never is carried on. Meanwhile, each issue has less volumes printed, as nowadays nobody seems to like printed magazines anymore (only the teachers seem to buy that).

More Pages!

More Pages! – Hello, hello! Easter update today! A festive day here in Catalonia, as in most of Europe.

It is a usual thing for the Magazine veterans to disappear, leaving the hard work for the new members of l’Oasi. This “helps” the newbies by making them to gather the people from other clubs and associations to finish the new l’Oasi issue.

Magazine Brainstorming

Magazine Brainstorming – Hop! Another issue this week!

In the magazine office it is known that the most “in” teachers at FIB are Glynn Morill and Borja Vallés. They’ve been in the top ten for decades. When I joined the magazine 15 years ago, they already were “in”. They’ll always be “in”.

Cleaning Party

Cleaning Party – ¡Hi again! Today I’m talking about “El Xollo”, the Civil Engineering’s Faculty magazine, as “l’Oasi” is from Informatics and “Distorsió” from Telecommunications. Few people have seen them, as they appear once a year, they hit the magic button for “make magazine”, and then disappear. Their mascot is a “water drop” (?), that once was drawn on cardboard for promoting the magazine. But nobody takes permanent care of that cardboard figure, and it goes from hand to hand traveling the campus, clubs and associations. Today it sits in the Civil Engineering’s Canteen.

Pizza Party Wrap Up (Part 1)

Pizza Party Wrap Up (Part 1) – Monday Update! (In extremis! Here it’s 23:55)

Just got busy this past week, spending my free time with that “Doki Doki Literature Club” game and its lore. Meaning that I couldn’t sleep, so being useless during the morning.

I had time to think about the next story arc, beyond issue 400.

Bunny Hunt

Bunny Hunt – Hi again! Another week, another strip!

The 3rd basement is the most famous in the Casal (Student House) for intimating. Basically, it is not easy to reach, because there’s a metal door hiding the stairs. Also, basement 2 is more accessible but dirtier, and it’s near the RPG Club and the Robotics Club; it’s easy to get caught.