Firefox Acceptance – Hi again! Today is holiday in Barcelona, so I take the chance to put another JRS issue!
Public Rejection
Public Rejection – Hi! How are you doing today? Here I have another JRS issue, with Anne trying to be again an Internet celebrity, in some manner.
Gaming Pack
Gaming Pack – Hi again! There’s another strip of JRS with Anne Squirrel!
Don’t fall for it again
Don’t fall for it again – How are you?! We’re here preparing a new arc for Anne Squirrel.
For long time, Fotolog stored daily self-shots of girls with light-weight cothing, receiving compliments and “FFs”. But, when the website went down, almost all the proto-“cam-girls” were already banned for showing “too much”. Everything was quickly replaced by Tumblr and, at the day of today, Instagram (being exactly the same, but with more “social network 2.0”).
Squirrel Domination
Squirrel Domination – Hi again! Here we are with another issue!
Given that webcomic time is relative (to something in the universe, random or away from our understanding and control), this issue is happening when Team Fortress 2 was NOT free-to-play and there were no hats in the game.
A Surprise for Tonight
A Surprise for Tonight – Hi again! Just surviving to this summer heat wave, in a city taken by zombies tourists and street constructions. More JRS issues now!
Basic Lessons
Basic Lessons – Every time is a good time to bring up Steffy eating an ice pop (A “Calipo”, typical from here, pure flavored ice), even that was not intended as any kind of “fanservice”, I swear.
This publication has been automated, because I’m around the world right now. If you have any comment, leave it after the signal. BEEEEEP!
Not Negotiable Ears
Non-Negotiable Ears – Hi again! I’m on vacation, finally, and I decided to automate the following publications! The Internet in there in the mountains is quite primitive, direct from the nineties!
Have a good vacations! And see you back then!
The Lost Guitar
The Lost Guitar – Hi everybody! How are you doing? Here, vacation time arrived, finally!
New Semester
New Semester – Hi all of you there! Everyone just went on vacation! There’s nobody on The Internets, as everyone is in the beach, taking photos, to upload later into The Instagrams!
…And I still have a week before leaving!
Meanwhile, here’s a new JRS issue