Gibbs Blasts Off – Hi again! This is an update before going to sleep! Have a good night and a good week!
Gibbs arrival
Gibbs Arrival – Hi everybody! A Monday update on Tuesday!
Here we are, waiting for summer vacation to arrive!
Call for Gibbs
Call for Gibbs – Hi everybody! How’s been the weekend? Everything OK?!
This strip was going to be the first of the “Bring him to the FIB” arc, where wacky post_tag will appear during the FestaFIB preparations.
Rebuilding FestaFIB (Part 3)
Rebuilding FestaFIB (Part 3) – And we continue here, with the FestaFIB plot. It is always difficult to find new people for the committee, not belonging to other associations. Also valid people, the kind that doesn’t get drunk while serving drinks.
Rebuilding FestaFIB (Part 2)
Rebuilding FestaFIB (Part 2) – Hop! Here we are again, with the plot dedicated to FestaFIB.
Rebuilding FestaFIB (Part 1)
Rebuilding FestaFIB (Part 1) – Yesterday was festivity in Barcelona, so I couldn’t have time for finishing this one (so I did it today).
The FestaFIB (our Spring Festival) is prepared by the committee, and all the associations join (even the ones from “Jedi”, who were underlings of level -7).
Apologies and Excuses
Apologies and Excuses – ¡Hi again! How’s everything going? ¡Another week, another strip!
Lesbian Superpowers
Lesbian Superpowers – It is well known at the Faculty that Lesbians (and not-straight girls) have cognitive powers above the usual, and are able to tell if you have an expired yogurt in your fridge, if you had to make a new hole in your belt recently, or if tonight somebody approached your nether parts.
I’m getting the next saga ready, where all happens around the “FestaFIB”.
Have a good week, and see you the next one!
Still Regina Firefox
Still Regina Firefox – Hi everyone! There’s another JRS issue here!.
Last Friday we celebrated the FestaFIB (I think I talked about this previously. It’s the Spring Festival at the faculty). Some alumni and former participants met there, most of them married, to be married in no time, or about to give birth. Also the persons who served as inspiration for some post_tag like “Gem ‘Buns’ Rabbit” or “Nami ‘Mama’ Bear” showed up. Plus Fubu, Karibul, Koopa (the radioactive turtle), and other post_tag appearing (or to appear in the near future) from “l’Oasi”, the faculty magazine. We did a BBQ.
Not always the nice cat
Not always the nice cat – I wanted to publish this yesterday, but while I was finishing the work, Windows (I had to go with Win10, because there’s no way Clip Studio paint works on Ubuntu) decided to reboot without any warning, making e to lose all the unsaved work, and taking an hour and a half to update somewhat shit (because it works as bad as always).
So after midnight, when the session resumed, I was so much tired to re-do all the lost work. And today I finished it 🙂