
The Tickets (Part 4)

The Tickets (Part 4) – Hop! Monday update! This time with some “fan art”, as I needed a supporting group for the “Fake Llimoner”, so I drew a real group with one of their songs (translated to catalan). 100 mini-points for those who guess which group and which song is it supposed to be. The solution, in a moment…

P.D. I only could fit in the strip three of the four members of the band, so later I’ll publish the image with the four members.

“Quins nervis, el rellotge sembla aturat.
Porteu-me aquí un metge abans que sigui tard.
Les noto a l’estomac, quasi puc volar.
Estic malaltís però tot s’arreglarà.
Intento no semblar ni estrany ni un ximplet.
Entenc que t’espantis i fugis corrents.
No estic pas a l’alçada dels teus encants.
No entenc com t’ho has fet per haver-me triat.

Alguns no entendran mai, quan la vida els fa un regal.
Ets un àngel d’amagat… Aixi doncs

Fem el beneït quan la nit és jove.
Passem-ho com si no hi hagués demà!
No ho xerris pas, desa-ho per tu sola.
Déu meu, el cor em tremola…!
No puc deixar de semblar un idiota.
Besa’m ara, et necessito tota.
Sols un dia més, no vull que acabi aquí,
Si et deixo marxar, et tornaré a tenir amb mi…?”

The Tickets (Part 3)

The Tickets (Part 3) – Good afternoon! Another week, another strip… if we don’t count two weeks ago, when I couldn’t do anything because of lots of work 🙁 But this last week I could get two vacation days I had, and drew this strip and the next one (YAY!)

Let’s continue with a story of two concerts!

The Tickets (Part 2)

The Tickets (Part 2) -Hop! Wednesday night update! With all the mess of this month and week, and that yesterday I started inking over the wrong layer (and I had to start inking again…), that I missed all deadlines!

The “Fake Llimoner” and “Esbart Away” come from my friend Marklar and his theory that you can create a hipster trendy pop group joining a Catalan name and an English name.

The Tickets (Part 1)

The Tickets (Part 1) – Late update, on Tuesday night! This past weekend I was busy with old computer machines (MSX) and I had no time to draw until yesterday evening. I decided to drop “The Color”(TM) for some time, as I think the last strip was kinda weird, and I need to practice more.

Meanwhile, here’s a story about a concert.

Guitar Man

Guitar Man – Hello hello, my pretties! I’m back around here. Today I’m experimenting with “The Color (TM)”. From the beginning I filled the comic strips with B&W textures, from when I drew over paper, as scanning pictures 11 years ago produced low quality lines hard to fill with GIMP. The textures (actually, lines) where added over vegetable paper when inking, then scanned. And when starting with digital drawing, I kept the procedure because textures are easy to add. But seen the previous strip, it is possible that adding color is not an issue anymore (with so few time to draw, I have to optimize time, and coloring has an overtime). If it goes well, I’ll keep the color on strips!

In other order of things, the Guitar Man! One guy at the copy center, and the Telecogresca association, that every afternoon brought a guitar to the cafeteria terrace, playing always the same three chords (C, F, G) for years. The CPET Copy Center and Telecogresca were a black hole where students entered and remained there for life, becoming part of the Campus people. When the copy center was close, all that fauna was lost forever 🙁

Diet (Part 2)

Diet (Part 2) – “…and that’s called Jazz!”. Hop! Special edition for Christmas season. “Double” issue tonight, following the previous one.

How’s Christmas going? Do you have some holidays and vacation days? I joined all my remaining vacation days of this year (plus days in the labor agreement, plus official days). So they won’t see me much these days in the lab.

Have a happy holiday, and take care with the all the food!

The Cluster (Part 2)

The Cluster (Part 2) – Hello! I’m back at home in Barcelona, and here I bring the last JSR issue, prepared before packing my stuff.

Casal Stories: The famous “Cheetos-Eater” got 10 machines (this is four times 2.5 machines, and this is terrible) from the Student Council, to build a cluster for his association (in which he was the only member). It was suspected he hid pornography, but not in the same levels of sophistication than the Linux-UPC association. He brought the electric grid down every time he started the cluster.

The Cluster (Part 1)

The Cluster (Part 1) – Hello hello! Finally I could finish this week’s (actually last’s) issue. The Surface I brought on tour didn’t let me finish things on time, as it starts flickering after some time working. Luckily I’ll be at home in December, with the good tools to do stuff.

Meanwhile, there’s Steffy and Bill with the Moskovskaia post-mortem.