The End of Moskovskaia (Part 2) – Hello, hello! Finally I have time to draw some stuff. We continue with the death of Moskovskaia and the dawn of the Servers Era at Revistes Campus Nord.
The End of Moskovskaia (Part 1)
The End of Moskovskaia (Part 1) – Hello again! Nightly update (American time) of JRS. We’re finishing (literally) the Moskovskaia affair, and how the Age of the Servers really started in Revistes Campus Nord.
* This issue represents a real event, that truly happened.
Bill’s Breakdown
Bill’s Breakdown – Hi everybody! Another week, another JRS issue! This one happened for real, just in the Campus bar terrace.
Bill Advice
Bill Advice -Hello! I’m back after a week with the computer having lots of trouble…. First CSP started working weird, then the Surface deteriorated and started to flick more than usual… But finally we have new JRS issue!
Not For Hire
Not For Hire – Hello, hello! Another week here, another JRS issue, this time from the most picturesque New England.
The Campus copy center was managed by students, but the guy driving everything (and the big printers) was a guy in a basement of the Campus, totally devoted to the business (and big cup girls). Aside of the girls, once they hired a guy who played the guitar in front of the cafeteria, every evening at 18h. Some day we’ll talk about that guy too.
Looking for a Job
Looking for a Job – Good afternoon! Second issue drawn at the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. This time it is about the now closed campus copy center. All the notes and textbooks (when in paper) were available there, and it was run by students. It was said that the guy ruling the cooperative (some day I’ll talk about him), majorly hired girls with big breasts, something that couldn’t be proved but also not denied…
Bunny Resident
Bunny Resident – Another Monday, another JRS issue! This is the first one drawn with Surface instead of the Ugee (Cintiq clone), and it didn’t end as bad as I expected.
Let’s keep with Steffy and Johnny stuff!
Mammal Issues
Mammal Issues – Hop! Another comic from the New World. This one was in buffer from before start traveling. The next one is made using the “Surface”, and the process is much slower… (I was going to bring my Wacom with me, but I decided to travel with the minimal luggage).
So, we keep going with Steffy and Johnny!
Mammal Demand
Mammal Demand – Hi everybody! This is an update from the “New World”. As I’m traveling right now, I’m trying to do the next issues using my tablet (Surface), and let’s see if they look good.
Now, I leave you with Steffy and Johnny!
Mammal Emergency
Mammal Emergency – Hello hello! I’m back from vacation, and here is a new JRS strip. This week I’m trying to advance some stuff because I’ll be working around for the next months without stopping for a second.
Meanwhile, here’s some Steffy and Johnny!